A Ministry of the Conventual Franciscans of St. Bonaventure
The Conventual Franciscans are a worldwide community of priests and brothers who follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the spirit of their founder, St. Francis of Assisi. The friars continually strive to grow in their relationship with Jesus through a life of prayer and ministry.
As members of a religious order within the Roman Catholic Church, they embrace vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. There is hardly a place on this vast globe in which the Franciscans have not made a difference. They minister in parishes, schools, missions and various other apostolic endeavors.
As servants of God, the Conventual Franciscans are called to respond to the needs of the Church. They place their talents and skills at the service of God and their brothers and sisters throughout the world.
For more information about the Conventual Franciscans and St. Bonaventure Province, visit: http://franciscancommunity.com/.